You asked for it, we built it. Our new feature makes it easy for Active Directory users to log in.
Brokering desktop connections is the bedrock of all that we do here at Leostream and we take that job very seriously – especially when it comes to provisioning. We understand the importance of managing and automating capacity in the data center. In certain situations, it’s all about spinning up desktops just-in-time, and tearing them back down when they are no longer needed. With that in mind, we’ve added yet another highly anticipated feature to the Leostream Connection Broker, one specifically requested by our community: The ability to automatically spin up new instances with unique hostnames that are joined to the Active Directory (AD) domain.
Let’s back up for a second. In the past, we may have pointed you into the direction of a small work around like Microsoft sysprep, VMware customization files, or some other initialization tool such as those provided by AWS or the OpenStack cloud_init program. But, no more! With our new built-in solution, we added the ability to have the Leostream Agent set the hostname of a desktop and add it to the domain. So, now, when you automatically spin up new instances, you can ensure that they all have unique hostnames and are joined to the domain, making it easy for AD users to log in.
Watch the short video below to learn how to locate the Domain Join feature. Haven’t tried the Leostream Connection Broker? Make sure to swing by our free trial page, for a 30 day test drive of our entire platform and all the new features.