
Earlier this month, OpenStack Summit was conveniently held in Leostream’s back yard of Boston. I took the opportunity to avoid my Waltham commute, attend a particularly interesting session, and participate in some great follow-up conversations centered on OpenStack VDI. Here’s what I learned. 
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VDI was supposed to save us money. By virtualizing desktops, we mobilized the workforce, maximized resource utilization, and reduced hardware costs. So, the cost-savings had to follow naturally, right? Well, once those pesky licensing fees started to add up, suddenly that big money-saving VDI initiative became just as pricey, if not more so, than dedicated...
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The other week, while giving a demonstration of our VDI management platform, I tossed out the word “orchestration”. It’s a term you often hear from organizations that are moving resources into the cloud. Invoking the orchestration card, however, brought on the question of how, exactly, our platform was different from all of the other cloud orchestration...
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Here at Leostream, we have been in the “providing access to desktops and applications that don’t live at your desk” space since the early-2000s. That space has been called many different things since then, but the idea has stayed the same. First, it was called VDI, and everything lived in your on-premises datacenter. If you...
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Woman working on two monitors doing an intensive graphics application
Leostream partners NVIDIA released a webinar this past week discussing “What’s New with NVIDIA vGPU Solutions October 2018.” At Leostream, we are particularly excited about the NVIDIA vGPU advances, as they are the missing puzzle piece for one of the most underserved markets in the VDI space – Media and Entertainment. Historically, VDI and hosted...
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A computer workstation for a large server network
Leostream partner Amulet Hotkey unveils their newest line of CoreStation solutions, with support for brokering through Leostream. These high-performance workstations are ideal for remote access for power users or graphics-intense applications. Brokering these workstations with Leostream is the ideal solution for building a data center environment optimized for power user use cases. I’ve said it...
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Young professionals surrounded by computer workstations
Virtual and hosted workstations are the wave of the future, enabling a new group of users to reap the benefits and flexibility of traditional RDS and VDI. The key to a successful virtual workstation deployment is a connection broker that allows you to connect users, control access, and optimize workstation usage and to include a display protocol...
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So, the year of VDI never quite arrived. Without placing any blame, we can certainly assert that the slow traction for VDI had primarily to do with the hefty licensing fees associated with the VDI stack. Moreover, with the advent of the public cloud, on-premises private infrastructure is becoming less attractive by the day.
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Your Windows 10 migration is the perfect time to modernize the remainder of your desktop infrastructure. Paying too much in maintenance fees for your virtualization stack? Wondering how to support users who work on the edge? Not getting the right level of performance for certain applications?
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As the hybrid cloud continues to build steam, enterprise IT professionals are scrambling to choose a public cloud that is both cost-effective and adequately supports their end users compute requirements,
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