“Wow, where did that year go?” If you’re like me, words like that come out of your mouth at this time every year. To combat that “time flies” feeling, I like to look back at everything we accomplished over the year. A year that’s full may fly by, but it’s also fruitful. So, where did Leostream’s year go?


New look, new you!

If you follow Leostream, at all, you know that we dedicated this year to getting Leostream 9 out the door. The Leostream development team, in collaboration with the rock star graphical design talents of Leostream’s friend Taylor Dorin, worked tirelessly to get the features and functionality you needed and wanted into the Connection Broker and Leostream Gateway. New packaging, new look-and-feel, and new features came together into our best release ever!

But, as much as I love my development team, this release wouldn’t be what it is without you, our customers. As the year draws to a close, I want to thank each and every one of you for your usability input, feature requests, beta testing (hey, all software has bugs!), and generally being awesome people.

You make our jobs worth going to each and every day, and we do our best to make your job easier and more productive through the use of our software. So, keep the feedback coming in 2019!


Make new friends, but keep the old

When you look to build a remote access solution, Leostream is just one piece of the puzzle. That’s why we integrate with a wide and ever-expanding list of partners, to ensure that you can build the solution that best suits your needs.

In 2018 we added new partners to our fold while building on the relationships we hold dear! For starters, we’re excited for our new (in beta) integration with the Scale Computing HC3 Virtualization Platform. And, also in beta, if you use Duo Security for multi-factor authentication, you’ll love how seamlessly it works with Leostream logins.

Looking at the clouds, we moved our AWS partnership forward by publishing our Connection Broker in the AWS Marketplace, making it even easier to give Leostream a try. And, we continue to be the leading option for managing remote access for resources in OpenStack. Don’t believe us? Just check out this great presentation by our partners Fairbanks NL, at OpenStack Summit in Berlin.

And, that presentation isn’t the only appearance Leostream made on stage, in 2018. The webinar “NVIDIA & Red Hat – Virtualizing High-Performance Workloads” shows Leostream being used to manage remote access for an Oil & Gas customer. You’ll see even more of Leostream in-use and on-stage in 2019, so keep an eye out for upcoming customer presentations.


So, that’s where that year went!

Those are just some highlights of our 2018. Just listing them out has made me excited for what 2019 will bring for Leostream and our customers.


To you and yours, a very happy, healthy, and prosperous holiday season, from all of us at Leostream.